Make a difference 

An amputation is a life changing event for children and adults. Every child deserves the chance to simply be a kid no matter what life throws at them, and all amputees deserve the opportunity to push their limits.

A donation to ReDefined Prosthetics helps directly impact the amputee community physically, mentally, and monetarily.

From our team, thank you for your support!

ReDefined Prosthetics is a non profit, tax exempt, charitable organization (Tax ID # 99-1396110) under section Section (501)(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

ReDefined Prosthetics presenting Amputee Blade Runners with a check to cover the entire cost for a child to receive a new Prosthetic


For larger donations, please contact directly to arrange check shipment or a wire transfer

Project 002 Knife Recipient Randy Nantz, SFC (Ret), with Nic Schwartz, Texas Temper LLC